
Paint California Poppies and Lupines DIY sign

Paint California Poppies and Lupines on a board to create a DIY address sign. I painted these lovely poppy flowers step by step, one easy stroke at a time and so can you!

Paint California Poppies and Lupines to create beautiful DIY art, hand painted signs or any type custom art work you desire.

This project was a combination of a few different lessons I have available for you.  I will link to them all so you can replicate it or use it as a jumping off point for your own unique painted DIY project.

An address sign with California Poppies and Lupines painted on it, how to paint california poppies and lupines, pamela groppe art

This custom address sign is easy to paint and combines several tutorials here on this site.

Wood Base for DIY sign

This sign is painted on a 1 x 6 pine board it is budget friendly and easy enough for beginners. You can even have the lumber store cut it for you.  I don’t give an actual size as it will vary with how many numbers are in your address and how tall you want your flowers.  I would have preferred not to overlap my painted California Poppies but I miscalculated.

California Poppies and lupines hand painted on a pine board, pamela groppe art

How to Paint California Poppies

To see the step by step of how to paint the California poppies then visit this post.  

paint brush stroking a California poppy in acrylic paint, pamela groppe art

Also, see the end of this post for a link to get the step-by-step printable workbook and downloadable videos.

How to Paint Lupines

For the step by step for the Lupines visit this post How to Paint Texas Bluebonnets

Paint Texas Bluebonnets, an easy painting tutorial for these fabulous flowers of Spring. Easy enough for beginners.

How to Create Lettering for DIY signs

To print off the lettering so you can paint your own address here is a tutorial I posted on how to use Word to create signs so you don’t need stencils.

The lesson shows you how I printed out the numbers for the address.  On the California Poppy and Lupines sign I used the font American Typewriter.

Blue butterflies painted on a sign

Painting Lettering

This is the post on painting lettering for DIY signs

I made a pattern and downloadable workbook for this and turned it into a workshop.
Here is the link for that California Poppies workshop

Happy Painting!

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California Poppies and Lupines on a DIY address sign with text overlay, How to paint california poppies and lupines, pamela groppe art

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  1. Love the sign and the flowers. Colors are so pretty. Nice idea to do for holidays too! Thank you for your inspiration!!

  2. Now that you done and your putting it outside, will you deal the board, and what would you use? I am a beginner painter.

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